We slept in this morning and left around 11:30am, starting our journey to Michigan.  Because we have a couple of days to make the drive, we took it easy today (our “short” day as we call them).  The weather is beautiful, caught between Summer and Fall – warm temperatures but changing leaves on the trees.  We pulled off just south of Nashville and checked into a hotel next to one of our favorite eating places – The Cracker Barrel.

I wasn’t sure if the truck was going to fit in the hotel parking lot (even though the desk clerk said she thought it might).  So I stopped across the street at Stan’s Truck Stop to walk the hotel lot, just to make sure.  As I walked across the street, someone pulled up next to me to ask if I was going to eat at the Cracker Barrel.  “Odd question,” I thought.  Turns out it was Stan!  He wanted to invite to all of us to eat at his place, “We have real good food.”

I’m not sure what we will do for dinner but the hotel clerk agreed with Stan, “They have real good food.”  We might have to check it out.

Our hotel is very nice – they even have a “eated pool!”