It is so good to have Cindy back with me on the road! She and I stayed up late last night so she could start to get adjusted to the time zone change. She was up until midnight, quite a feat for her since that's equivalent to 3AM at home! This morning I was up early...

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We finally arrived in Phoenix, AZ around 3pm yesterday. I have to admit it was nice to turn onto Interstate 17 South - we'd been on Interstate 40 West for 4 days! The scenery here is absolutely breath-taking. I can't really put it into words that would describe it...

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We didn't make it as far as we had hoped yesterday. We ended up stopping a bit early in Gallup, NM to get some work done on my computer and take a much needed break from Interstate 40. I had alot of paperwork that I needed to catch up on and emails to return. It turns...

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What a change in temps this morning! We arrived in Amarillo to sunny, warm weather and woke up to freezing winds and cold temperatures. That's not uncommon for West Texas but I don't think we were prepared for it. We also remembered this morning that we would go...

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Well, we forgot about the time change last night...we didn't actually forget BUT we did forget to move the clocks. We had planned to be on the road by 8am but didn't wake up until 6:54am (with the time change, 7:54am). You can see how it would be a problem to be on...

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This is where we stopped for the night. The weather started to turn very rainy just as the sun went down and driving became a bit more stressful in the crazy traffic of Knoxville on a Friday night. I wonder sometimes if people just forget everything they were taught...

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