We are in Rolla, MO for a couple of days on this tour. Yesterday, David and I did an outreach program at the Phelps County Regional Hospital with the complete therapy staff - occupational, physical and speech therapists. After a quick overview of the program with...

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I don't even know how to begin writing about this trip. We took our time getting here from Toledo because we had a few days to make the journey. When we were 10 miles from Waterloo, a Department of Motor Vehicle Enforcement officer in Iowa decided to pull me over...

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It started snowing yesterday as we left the Toledo area. We finally drove out of it for a while as we crossed the state line into Indiana. We found ourselves a nice hotel and took a little time to enjoy the day - went to a mall, had a nice meal, relaxed for the...

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Today we head toward Waterloo, IA. The weather here is suppose to make a significant change today and it has already started early this morning - rain turns to snow. Lots of snow! We're getting out of here to see if we can drive below the snow line and then head to...

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Morning is my favorite time of the day. I really enjoy getting up early before anyone else and quietly watching the day begin with the rising of the sun. It signifies lots of things to me but the most important of those things is that today is a new beginning. Each...

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Our stop for the night was in Chillicothe, Ohio. This puts us about 3 hours from Toledo where I have a Healing of Magic workshop tonight for about 150 therapists. I really enjoy doing this presentations, watching therapists get excited when they look at their...

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