After a brief visit with friends in Vegas, we drove on to Cedar City, UT. This is a really quaint town surrounded my mountains and canyons. In spite of the fact that we’ve had some harrowing experiences these last few days – steep grades, failing brakes, overheating engines, etc. – the scenery all around us reminds us how small we really are and how big God really is. We are looking at just a snapshot of creation and it’s almost overwhelming. Can you image seeing ALL of creation from God’s vantage point?

As Cindy and I talked about these last few days, we were reminded of how much God loves us in spite of how small we are. As our pastor friend always says, “God doesn’t just love us. He’s CRAZY about us!” What an amazing concept to try and grasp! God, the Creator of Everything, is crazy about me and you. So much so that He made provisions for us to come into a personal relationship with Him. As awesome as the landscapes we witnessed are, the truth of that statement is much more awesome and amazing.

THE HERITAGE CENTER – last night was our first performance of three here in Cedar City at the Heritage Center. We are part of a larger festival called the Himelesk Festival and we are the featured production, a type of “royal command performance” by the Queen of the Festival. This festival always falls on the second weekend in April but this is only the third year and the first time it’s landed on Easter weekend. We’re not sure how attendance will hold up for three nights but we’re excited to be here.

We had a great show last night, fun audience with great volunteers and lots of enthusiasm. Tonight, we’re praying for another great crowd! The crew here at the theatre is very friendly and professional as are the staff and the executive director, David Nyman.

This morning, I’m up early so I can get the truck to a diesel mechanic for an oil change and radiator flush. I think the Death Valley experience hastened the need to get some maintenance done before we head to Washington and Oregon.