Wow, will the truck drama ever end? After a new thermostat, radiator, fan clutch and water pump, we still are having some issues. While I was taping on Monday and Tuesday, David took the truck over to the repair center to have things checked out. I picked it up on Wednesday around 10am and, when I went to start it, it made a horrible noise and stopped. Turns out, the air hose to the fan was in the wrong place and was sucked into the fan – slicing it to pieces and wrapping around the fan shroud, completely destroying it. After several calls seeking a part that they could never find, they did a “modified” repair so that we could get on the road. We picked the truck up around 3pm, hit the road and were broken down in the middle of nowhere by 4:30pm. By the time the repair truck got to us, it was 6pm. Good thing is was an easy fix – or at least a quick fix for a future repair. We were on the road by 6:30pm and on our way to Breezewood, PA for our stop for the night.

This morning, we finished up the drive to Franklin, PA and arrived around 1:30pm for the load in. We spent most of the day setting up for two shows on Friday, trying to ready ourselves for Asia and working on a few new illusions that we are going to perform tomorrow night.

All in all, a good day – but a challenging drive! All I have to do is get back home on Saturday and my mechanic, Tommy, will have it in his shop early Monday morning.