We actually slept in this morning!  I had a few phone calls to make and we wanted to eat before we hit the road.  There’s really not too much between Blythe and Los Angeles, CA.  We made sure the truck had full tanks for fuel and we were on our way.  It was a bright and sunny day!

Remember those “trip permits” that I’m required to have to travel in California?  Well, we stopped at every weigh scale and inspection station and not one single person asked to see them.  If I’m going to spend that much money for a piece of paper, I’d really appreciate it if someone would ask to see it.
As we hit the desert, the weather changed dramatically.  The winds were much worse than any day so far.  Warning flashing lights were lit up all along Interstate 10, but the real proof was trying to keep the truck on the road.  We saw cars being swept away in the winds and even huge pieces of decorative trim get ripped away.  The wind caught the awning on the motor coach in front of us and just pulled it completely away.  It was two exhausting hours of trying to stay in one lane.  I’m sure my arms will be tired tonight!

We stopped in Coachella to get some lunch at the local Del Taco in an effort to take a break from the wind. As it turns out, we were not without some damage ourselves.  The flashing on the top of our truck cab was rolled back like it was nothing.  I’m going to have to get that fixed soon – one good rain and we’re sunk!

We had drive almost 2,450 miles so far and had less than 150 miles to go before arriving in Santa Clarita. We managed to stay safe and free of traffic until we hit Interstate 5, less than 10 miles from our hotel!  In spite of it all, we pulled into our hotel in Santa Clarita, CA around 3pm.

Our “Coast to Coast” driving trip was now complete!  Ethan shouted the same thing he did when we started this trip – “Space Ghost!  Coast to Coast!”

Tomorrow, we perform at the Santa Clarita Performing Arts Center, 8pm.