It’s been a fun and exciting few days in New York. But how it not be exciting – it’s New York City! The weather has been beautiful until last night. It got cold and they were predicting several inches of snow. I woke up this morning expecting to see it but only rain was visible from the window. After our Colorado experience, I’m not ready to see snow again for a while.

My appearance on FOX & FRIENDS WEEKEND went very well. Everyone was in a great mood, the segment went excellent and I was carried over through the commercial break to the next segment. I talked about the Healing of Magic program and taught the anchors – Greg Kelly, Paige Hopkins, and Kelly Wright – a couple of tricks that we use in the program. Cindy took these pictures of the television using her iPhone.



I’m tired and ready to come home. I’ll be heading that way early Tuesday evening and will be back in Lynchburg by midnight!