The last two days have been a bit crazy for us. On Monday night, we performed at Cutlip Auditorium in Fulton, MO. We worked with a student crew from William Woods University and they were great, certainly not afraid of some hard work! The auditorium was PACKED with people. When the doors opened, people literally were flooding into the place. It was great! The presenter said she had never seen it as packed with people as it was Monday night…and it might be a long time before it happens again. We were truly honored that so many people came to see us perform – over 1,000 in attendance.

We had some really great volunteers but Amanda, our “spikes of doom” girl, was especially memorable. She took the time to drop us an email after the show and I don’t think she would mind if I shared part of it with you.

“I “SURVIVED THE SPIKES OF DOOM” last night in FULTON, MO! I just wanted to tell you guys that you were amazing! I was totally scared but, it will definitely go down in history as the coolest thing I have ever got to do! So, I just wanted to say “THANK YOU” for an amazing evening in this boring little town! BE SAFE!!!!”

We had to make record time getting out of Cutlip as well…and David and the crew worked hard to get us loaded into the trailer. We were out in about 45 minutes and ON THE ROAD. Our next show was in Pittsburg, KS at the Memorial Auditorium with an 11am load in. That means we had to drive after the show in Fulton…and once you leave there, the next town with a hotel is Nevada, MO – about three hours down the road or 184 miles! We took off, red bull and coffee in hand.

After a very short night in Nevada, we were up early this morning to finish the trip to Pittsburg, KS. We have performed here a couple of times in the past. Jason Huffman and the gang are always wonderful, on top of things, and ready to get the show in the air. We managed to get all set up, tech the show and have a little “down time” before doors opened at 6:30pm.

Never a disappointment, the audience in Pittsburg was enthusiastic. Most of you know how much I enjoy using members of the audience in the show. We had some great volunteers tonight. A big thank you to Edie McCraken and the gang from PSU!

It’s almost 1am…I’m finally going to go to bed. I have an early morning interview with the Pittsburgh Post Gazette for our show in Greensburg, PA in a couple of weeks!