We’ve been relaxing a bit in Southern California – it’s been very nice. We rented a car and drove over to Hollywood and Highlands. This is the “vortex” of the Hollywood tourism scene – Mann’s Chinese Theatre, the Kodak Theatre, restaurants, shops, museums, and more.

We did a little shopping and then had lunch at the California Pizza Kitchen. While leaving, I happened to run into Mario Van Peebles. This isn’t necessarily a name that everyone recognizes but he’s probably one of Hollywood’s busier actors – from feature films to soap operas. He and I exchanged a few words and wished each other a great day.


After our little trip to Hollywood, we headed back to our hotel…but got sidetracked at yet another mall. Let’s just say we did a lot of shopping these last couple of days.

Tomorrow, we start the trip to Livermore in the Bay area for our show on Sunday afternoon. We’ll have to load in early – again – so we’ll get into town on Saturday night.