I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving Day. We spent it with some of our best friends. They were kind enough to invite us over to their house to celebrate and eat with them. It was excellent!

We braved “Black Friday” yesterday and went out to some of the stores here in town. Best Buy was nuts so I didn’t even try to get in there until the afternoon. The Fire Marshall showed up and started limiting how many people could go into the store – it was packed! Kohl’s was the same way – lines from the registers to the back of the store and that was at 1pm! Cindy and I just walked around several places and enjoyed looking and spending time together. It was fun.

The weather has been amazing these last few days – temperatures in the mid 60’s, people walking around in shorts and t-shirts. I’m sure winter will come soon enough but this is great.

There is so much to be thankful for in my life – my incredible wife and family; friends who understand what it means to be a “friend”; a great job with lots of opportunity; and an awesome God who, in spite of my failures in life, loves me beyond my wildest expectations.