After 3 amazing days in Austin, TX, we are on our way back to Southern California. Our next show is at the Carpenter Center in Long Beach, CA on Friday. We actually have a few days to get across the desert without it being a push. And we have the added advantage of moving into two different times zones along the way where we will pick up a couple of hours.

We’re going to try and relax as we make this drive. It’s been a while since we’ve had that kind of time. We did stop in Fredricksburg, TX – a quaint little tourist town in West Texas. We spent the afternoon in some shops, getting ice cream, and picking up a few souveniers. It was a relaxing afternoon. I even took out a few minutes to ride the pony!


From there we traveled on to El Paso, TX (entering Mountain Time) and stayed the night. Cindy and I walked the local mall and did a little shopping. After El Paso, we drove on to Phoenix, AZ where we entered Pacific Time and picked up another hour. We are a little messed up right now. Our bodies are saying it’s 10pm but the clocks all say 8pm!

We are going to relax today in Phoenix and visit with Andre Kole. He’s been through a pretty nasty ordeal with pneumonia the last few weeks and doctors made him take some time off. I will be good to see him!