Throughout the year while we are one tour, I have the opportunity to present a very cool program to therapists in hospitals and rehab centers or to students studying occupational therapy in college. David generally goes with me to help me when I do these things. It takes both of us most of the time, especially when it comes to teaching the tricks!

We had the chance to present a workshop at Quinnipiac University just a couple of weeks ago. Today, I received an email from Sue Gallagher, one of the professors teaching in the program. I don’t think she’ll mind if I share part of her email with you.

“This was definitely the most well-received program we’ve had in the 10 years I’ve been here. It was great for me to see the students so inspired and to watch them persevere with the tricks! I think I will incorporate the Healing of Magic into our intervention course next semester. We’ve also been tossing around the idea of taking the tricks to Barbados when we go there on spring break to do a Disabilities Awareness program. So, you’ve really infiltrated our curriculum with magic!”

And only a couple of days ago I received a phone call in the office inviting me to come to Korea to present the program at the Korean Education Expo in Seoul. Unfortunately, that expo begins in less that two weeks making it close to impossible! We’re still talking but it’s a very tight window of opportunity.

I’d like to share one more letter I received months ago from a man in Kenya, East Africa (that’s his picture above). Through a series of seemingly impossible events, this guy found our name and address.

“I do teach here in a village school for the deaf and blind. I am a part-time magician but here in Kenya and other east-African nations there are no magicians clubs. In fact, in 16 nations of southern Africa, there are only 10 magicians. I am also the village orthopedist and the head of the village farm. I do kindly inquire more about your Healing of Magic.”

We sent him a copy of the magic therapy book and video and then received a thank you letter with his picture.

I mention all of this because the Healing of Magic program is something that is very important to us. We will be conducting a few workshops this spring as a part of our spring tour (and I promise I’m working on getting that tour schedule online). I am always humbled by the fact that something I do purely as an entertainment artform can have such a significant impact on the quality of someone’s life when used in a therapeutic way.