Last night, I had the privilege of conducting a workshop for some of the Occupational Therapy staff and students at Quinnipiac University in Connecticut. I always enjoy doing these presentations and watching the expressions on the participant’s faces as they learn the tricks. But I mostly enjoy observing them disect each trick so they can determine the therapeutic values – how can this trick HELP someone reach their therapeutic goals? The enthusiasm in this room filled with future Occupational Therapists was contagious!

It was a really fun time for everyone and two hours flew by before any of us knew it. These students will be graduating very soon and heading out into practice or graduate school. It is always my hope that, through this workshop, we challenge them to think outside of the box and to never place limitations of those patients with whom they will work. People are amazingly resilent throught difficulties. Giving them the freedom to explore their abilities in a fun and exciting way – learning magic tricks – can help motivate them through the recovery process so much more quickly.

Magic wands don’t always belong with black hats and rabbits. Sometimes they belong in hospitals where frail hands learn tricks and the magic – the real magic – is in the healing.