This was our last show of the fall season. Unfortunately, that doesn’t mean that our work is over for the fall. We still have tons of office stuff to do and the beginning of another DVD project – US TOUR 2005…which should be very interesting!

The show here in Hightstown, NJ went very well. It was an early morning load in (up at 5:45am). But the crew and TD were there to greet us and ready to go. The first challenge was getting the truck into the loading dock. Everyone doubted me but the truck went in with little difficulties. The 7 foot high loading dock was a new one for us! But this is everyday business for the guys here so they put up the ramps and the equipment was on it’s way up into the theatre.

Everything went up quickly…and it needed to because the show was a 2pm show, doors open at 1:30pm. The show has been sold out for a few weeks and the place was packed with a really fun audience. This was a great show for us to end our season of performances.

A big thanks to Robert, John, Lynn, Alex, Morgan, and Aaron for all their help.

Tomorrow we head home. And then the work begins….thanks everyone for a great fall season! Don’t forget to buy your ASIA DVD as a Christmas gift for someone who loves magic! Check it out on our SHOP page.