We finally made it home late Sunday afternoon after a leisurely drive across Ohio and West Virginia (as leisurely as you can get in a 65 foot truck). Monday started right back in the office. We are in the process of redesigning our marketing materials for the 07/08 season which means they must be done now in time to be printed.

We’re also planning a video shoot in a couple of weeks so we can tape several of the new illusions including WALKING THROUGH A BRICK WALL and NO FEET. These will be featured illusions in our tour in Hong Kong and Taiwan in December BUT we also plan to include them in the fall U.S. tour as well.

I’m in the process of finalizing all the dates for next year. Once that’s done, I’ll have an updated tour schedule online so you can see if we’re going to be in your area.

I did take a break today to go and see X-Men: The Final Stand. It was a great movie! Several surprises for me and lots of action. Loved it!