Cindy and I had a very relaxing weekend at home. It was good to catch up with a few friends, get all that laundry done and eat at our favorite local restaurants!

I’ll be leaving today to begin taping a very important DVD series for Campus Crusades for Christ on what they call the Transferable Concepts. This organization has developed a series of “how to’s” – or “transferable concepts” in which they discuss many of the basic truths that Jesus and His disciples taught. A “transferable concept” is an idea or a truth which can be transferred or communicated from one person to another and then to another, generation after generation, without distorting or diluting its original meaning.

This series is designed to reach out to college students or individuals in the 18-25 age demographic who might have questions about God. It is not designed to shove religion at anyone but only to make available, in clear language, what Christianity is all about to anyone who is interested and has questions. I’m going to be one of the hosts along with Stacey Kole, a former Miss Arizona USA (, to help people navigate through the series. I’ll also be doing a little magic here and there to help illustrate some of the concepts in a more concrete and visual way. Over the next couple of days, we’ll be taping three of the eleven in the series.

Once we finish up this week on the road (two more shows in North Carolina), we’ll be heading home for an extended break. I think everyone is looking forward to that one!