We made it safely into Hong Kong after a very long 15 hour flight from Chicago.  It’s amazing that you can get to the other side of the world in 15 hours BUT that’s a long time to sit on an airplane!  The day started a bit scary in Roanoke, VA.  They “urged” us to be there 2 hours early for this international flight only to leave us standing in line for almost 1 hour.  And then our flight was delayed by almost 30 minutes.  I was wondering if we were going to make our Chicago connection but we did with time to spare.

Once we landed, we started toward immigration.  There was a clerical error in our “immigration” paper work providing us with our work visa for upcoming performances.  That meant that all six of us were taken to the official “Immigration Office” for additional screening.   The officers were all very friendly and courteous while they tried to sort through the problem.  Once discovered, it was an easy fix.  They had our passports stamped and we were on our way to baggage claim to pick up our luggage.  We arrived just in time as the airport dude started to gather it up for storage!

We left baggage claim and went into the main arrival area where our hostess, Yvonne, greeted us with a big smile, waving hands and a giant poster so we could identify her.  Once loaded into the bus, we make the 45 minute journey to our hotel…and then went to find food!  We ate at a Japanese place (yes, I know we’re in Chinese country) and the headed to 7-11 to get some snacks and water.

It’s 10:21am at home but 11:21pm here in Hong Kong.  Time to go to bed.