The news seems to be filled with “all things disturbing” these days. And, once again, it makes me ask myself – Has everyone just lost their mind?

One of the top stories today reveals the ugly behavior of 8 teenagers in Lakeland, FL who brutally beat one of their peers because she said some things they didn’t like on her MySpace page. What is even more disturbing is that they videotaped the beating so they could post in on the internet – for their 15 minutes of fame! The young girl will, undoubtedly, have permanent emotional and physical issues to deal with for the rest of her life…and the district attorney is trying to sort out the charges. Meanwhile, these thugs might not serve any time at all for their illegal behavior.

And Texas is dealing with the largest child welfare case in its history – sexual crimes committed in the name of God under the guise of religion. Young girls forced to marry men three times their age, forced into sexual relationships as soon as they reach puberty. And “church” officials are now in court asking that the search warrant be declared unconstitutional/illegal because they have the right to practice their “religion.” If these same actions were committed by anyone else under a different banner, there would be no question that this is sexual perversity and criminal behavior.

When did fame become so important that one would commit criminal behavior for just a few minutes of it? As I watched the evening news again tonight, I saw several 18-20 year old adults bragging on video about their spring break trips where they took ecstacy, LSD, or drank until they were almost dead. I heard stories from guys who admitted to raping girls they didn’t know. Is there no shame anymore? or do People just want to be famous even if it means being infamous!

And why do we continue to justify certain behaviors in the name of religion? So many things in our society are totally upside down when it comes to morality and humanity. We even have presidential candidates soliciting insight from “preachers” who are clearly racist, allowing them to appear in television commercials, seek their advice, actively work in their campaigns, support them with their money, and more.
In the name of God…for the sake of Fame.