Yesterday was a great day in the studio. The airline located Stacey’s luggage but it didn’t arrive until almost 4pm…which means she didn’t get to go shopping after all. We spent the day in the studio becoming familiar with the script, blocking for the cameras and working on the first illustration. Once Stacey’s clothes arrived, taping went very smoothly. We really had a fun time and I hope the final project captures the relaxed and conversational way that the information was delivered.

After we wrapped up, we took a break and the director (Ken) and producer (Helmut) showed us some different set designs that they can incorporate into the final DVD. We also checked out the website they are designing for the upcoming DaVinci Code film release ( And, before calling it a night, we read through the script we’ll be taping today. Soon, we’ll be heading back over to the studio to finish up.

Another FMCSA update – I spoke with my Congressman’s office yesterday and they have faxed a letter to the Director of the Virginia Division of the FMCSA. I received a phone call from my state Senator telling me that he spoke with the Special Agent in charge of my review and we are well on the way to determining exactly WHAT I am and HOW I’m supposed to be regulated (because the government loves to regulate things). I also received confirmation that the Director and Federal Specialist in Richmond have received all the information I mailed to them by Registered Mail. I hope they take the time to actually review it prior to this meeting. It would be nice if they would also share it with the Special Agent. They’re not so good at that. Remember that fax I sent to them on Tuesday, April 25? The Agent was finally informed of it’s content on Friday, May 5. How hard can it be to pass along some important information?

They have agreed to conduct the review in Lynchburg, we just have to find a place to do it – my “principle place of business.” My Congressman has agreed to have a representative of his office sit in on that meeting with me, which makes me feel much more at ease that I’m not going to get bullied by a bureaucrat. It should be interesting…