We are on the road quite a bit, several weeks at a time for several months of the year. The four of us – me, Cindy, David and Kylie – are together most of the time. In many ways, we are like family. Sometimes the people you love most in your life are the ones you also take for granted…or at least the things they do for you.

David and Kylie made my Valentine’s Day very memorable by a simple gesture that took thought and time on their part. Everywhere I looked yesterday, even in the most obscure places, there was a Spiderman valentine from them (those of you who know me will understand the significance of that). I’m not talking about one or two – I mean DOZENS of them, hidden in my work drawers, with my wrenches, in my glasses case or on the visor of the truck – EVERYWHERE. And each time I found one, I smiled – inside and out. It was a simple gesture on their part that brought a little joy into a rather difficult last 10 days. In the familiarity of “family,” I don’t think I conveyed to them just how much of an impact that had on me. THANK you for taking your time to make Valentine’s Day brighter!!