We just wrapped up our first show at the Library Theatre in Birmingham, AL.  Matina and Elin made us feel so welcome, so special!  The entire staff here are just nice people!  They even put up a welcome sign for us outside the Green Room!

What a great crowd tonight!  The audience came in ready to have a good time.  We had some incredible volunteers on the stage to help us out, adding their own personal touches and sense of humor to the illusions they participated in.  And the venue is so intimate.  I could literally see every face in the audience!  It’s really cool to be able to see their expressions, curiosity, and even when a few of them leaned over and whispered to the person sitting next to them.

Afterward, I met many from the audience in the reception area.  As I’ve said before, this is one of my favorite parts of the evening.  I always feel like I have a personal connection with the crowd after the show and it’s very cool to be able to shake their hands or share a smile.

I also had the chance to meet a few of the local magicians.  It’s an honor when area magicians come out to see the show.  And the guys tonight were warm and friendly, kind with their comments about the show, and seemed to have a good time.  I appreciated them being there and taking the time to say hello.

It’s been a long day, I’m exhausted so it’s off to bed.  Tomorrow, I get to do it all again.  I love this job!