We are really enjoying our time at home – cooking on the grill, sitting on the deck, enjoying the house. All the things that we don’t get to do that often during the touring season.

My parents are on their way up from Arkansas for a visit for a few days. It’s always great to see my mom and dad!

We have a lot of projects coming at us this month – both in and out of the office. I’ve started working on the Healing of Magic presentation that I’ll be giving at the International Brotherhood of Magicians convention later this month in Miami. I’ve also been asked to talk at the opening Youth Event at the convention. This is a great group of young people who are really serious about the art of magic and illusion – should be very challenging and exciting for me.

Cindy, David and I sat down on Friday morning and made a TO DO list – things that we have to get done this summer. It’s a two page list! We’ve got to try and work in some “fun stuff” along the way as well.

It’s beautiful here today so I’m going outside to enjoy the weather!