Cindy and I had a very nice Memorial Day. The weather was beautiful and temperatures were definitely saying “summer” – high was 92 degrees! We’re expecting another day in the 90’s today but I love it.

We went to see another movie, this time THE DAVINCI CODE. Now before you think that all I do is go to movies, I haven’t been to one in months due to our tour schedule. And, you have to admit, there are some really great movies coming out. I’m just playing catch up!

THE DAVINCI CODE was very interesting. The movie was well done; actors were great; cinematography were beautiful; and the music score was excellent. The plot? Well, it was a bit far fetched BUT this is fiction work and, in that sense, it was very intriguing. I can imagine that Opes Dei and the Catholic Church are not very happy with it. In my opinion, there was a lost of bashing of those religious groups in the movie, making them out to be power-grabbing organizations who have no regard for people (kind of like Congress right now – more concerned with keeping power than making real decisions).

As a Christian, I realize that my faith rests on my beliefs. My beliefs are resting on historical facts. Nothing in THE DAVINCI CODE is factual, especially their portrayal of Christ’s life. Nothing in the movie would cause me to reconsider my beliefs and doubt my faith.

I’m always amazed at how people who don’t have a belief and faith in God are so willing to believe anything other than the Bible. Sometimes they exercise more faith by believing in something that has no historical basis at all or by believing in a theory. Even an atheist as faith in something – that there is no God. Being an atheist requires belief and faith.

It was an interesting movie….we came home and grilled out on the deck.