I spent half of August traveling around Morocco with one of my best friends in the world, Mike Thompson.  Together we experienced snake charmers, storytellers, kasbahs, medina markets, unique foods, fascinating people, and a culture so rich that, at times, I was speechless.  This picture is my “nomad” look acquired in the Sahara Desert while spending time with the Berber people who live there. The little fox is the pet of Hassan, the young man who guided me deeper into the desert on a camel at 4:30am to watch the sun rise across the massive sand dunes of the Sahara.

Life in rural Morocco is simple – unpaved roads, donkey carts, no running water or electricity, tents and sand houses.   It was a vivid reminder of all that I take for granted and to be grateful for what it means to live in America.  It was an amazing adventure but there’s no place like home.  I’m hoping to sort through the 2500 plus pictures and videos sometime this week but I’ve got a few of them up on Flickr now. Check them out HERE.