I’ve been looking forward to the show at the Rogers Center for a while.  Cindy and I worked here in 2001 as a part of one of their earlier season of events.  Our show has changed so much since 2001 and we always love it when we have the chance to bring a new show to a place where we’ve been before.  Peter and Maureen are two of the nicest people we’ve ever worked with over the years.  Peter was ready for us, crew waiting at the loading door.  The weather was not cooperating – drizzling rain and a slight chill in the air.

Once load in began, the show went up quickly.  There were no major issues throughout the day but we did need to be careful with our hazers.  The detectors on stage were only heat but in the halls, those were particulate and that can be a problem sometimes.  We tested them most of the afternoon and had no problems.  The lighting looked awesome and I was really pleased with the way the show was looking.

We had a near capacity crowd coming to the show – an audience of all ages.  I love these kinds of crowds! The show moved along well – a few minor issues with my microphone – and two hours later, we said good night to a very enthusiastic audience.

This morning, we were on the road EARLY to make the drive to York, PA.  We arrived around 5pm, got checked into our hotel, and are getting some rest.  We have an 8am load in on Sunday for a 3pm show at the Strand Capitol Theatre.