When we’re making those long cross-country drives, it gives me plenty of time to think. Mile after mile goes by and my mind can sink deeper into thought. I realize that not everyone who reads my blog has the same beliefs that I do. That’s okay – what I’m getting ready to write about is, I think, a fairly universal concept, regardless of your religious beliefs.

I read something a couple of days ago that has caused me to really think about the motivations of being a Christ-follower.

How many of us believe that IF we live the right way, treat people with respect, use the right words that God has an obligation to give us things – “blessings” they often call them in the church world. Is that WHY many of us go to church or say that we are Christians?

I think it’s wrong for us to believe that success is always God’s purpose for our lives. We often view “success” as the ultimate goal but, in fact, it really isn’t. The question of whether or not we ever reach our “goal” is of very little importance – the journey along the way, THAT IS the goal.

God’s purpose, I believe, is to teach us to depend on Him, to trust Him, to be faithful to Him even in the middle of confusion and turmoil and questioning. THAT is the goal – to stay faithful. God is not working in my life toward a particular “finish.” It is the process, not the outcome, that is glorifying to God.

Sometimes in the middle of trouble, we try to make bargains with God. “God, IF You do this, then I’ll do this.” Does that sound familiar? God’s purpose, I believe, is to allow me to see that He can take care of me during the hard times in my life RIGHT NOW. It is moment by moment obedience and trust that God really wants from me.

Read these words and really think about them:

Beware of surrender that is motivated by personal benefits that may result. For example, “I’m going to give myself to God because I want to be delivered from sin, because I want to be made holy.” Being delivered from sin and being made holy are the result of being right with God, but surrender resulting from this kind of thinking is certainly not the true nature of Christianity. Our motive for surrender should not be for any personal gain at all. We have become so self-centered that we go to God only for something from Him, and not for God Himself.

WOW – powerful words, at least in my life. It’s easy to become self-centered, self-focused always asking God to help me, bless me, give me things. But the real purpose of being a Christ-follower is to get to know God – to have a personal friendship with the Creator of the Universe. Nothing is more important to Him, if you believe what the Bible teaches.

Powerful words….