Let’s review – we arrived in Hong Kong the evening of December 19 (Monday); Tuesday, we did some roaming around Hong Kong, taking it easy and getting into the time zone; Wednesday, Keith and I flew back to Taipei for Press Conferences; Thursday, another Press Conference this morning and we flew back to Hong Kong. While we were gone, the rest of the gang checked out one of the many local markets here (see picture).

Along the way on my trip, somewhere in Taipei, I lost the videocamera! Yes, all the footage that we have taken so far is GONE! I was very sad but Joyce is searching for it in Taipei.

So tonight, we went out to Causeway Bay area to find another videocamera. We went to the SONY store and, as soon as we walked in, the store CLOSED. They referred us to a store around the corner so I bought a camera there for about $250US – good deal. We walked around a little longer in that area, checked out the local cuisine, and then headed back to the hotel.

We have an early morning tomorrow (Friday) because I have a Healing of Magic workshop at Baptist Oi Kwan Social Services department for about 25 therapists. I am excited to be working with them again, bringing “magic therapy” back to Hong Kong for more advanced work.