Keith and I left early this morning for T’aipei. I had a press conference here today almost as soon as we got off the plane. We left on the hotel shuttle from Hong Kong at 7am, arrived at the airport around 8am and checked in for our flight. After grabbing a quick bite to eat at Burger King in the HK airport, we headed for our gate. The flight was with China Airlines and it was extremely nice and comfortable – too bad it was such a short flight!

We arrived at the Cement Theatre around 1:30pm where the press conference was held. It went very well with several media sources on hand. I did a group interview and photo session and then did individual interviews with 3 television stations and one newspaper. I hope it helps sell some more tickets – though we are more than 70% sold at this point.

After the press conference, we went to eat dim sum and it was excellent! And then back on the bus toward the hotel, a stop at Wason’s drug store and then on to the hotel where I realized I had left the key in the room. Once inside the room, I’m crashing as I write this and it’s only 7:45pm!! I have an excuse. Not only is jet lag playing a role here but I got up at 2:30am! Let me explain. If you’ve been sleeping and you wake up and look at the clock, 2:30am could easily be misread as 6:10am…which is what I did. I rolled out of bed, got a shower, started to pack when I heard Cindy ask, “Honey, why are you up so early?” I told her I had to catch a 7am shuttle to which she replied, “but it’s only 2:45am!” BACK TO BED I went quickly but sleep was interrpupted!