Keith, Nolan, and I spent the morning at The Centre working with several groups of special needs students from the Coweta School System.  There was a wide age group and the older students were much more functional – both physically and mentally.  I taught everyone, as a group, each trick and then Keith would work with one group while I worked with the younger students to help them better understand and perfect the “magic.”  In the end, the session went very well.  It was amazing to watch the older students help teach the younger ones as they learned each magical mystery.  I’m sure it must have brought such a great feeling of accomplishment to them – to be able to TEACH someone to do something that no one else can do, a magic trick.  The teachers were excited to watch the immediate effect that “magic therapy” can have on a student’s self-esteem and motivation.


After the workshop, John (the Tech Director) gave all us a quick tour of the theatre where we will be performing on Friday night.  It’s a beautiful place!  There was a nice article in Wednesday’s paper and I believe there’s supposed to be something in Friday’s paper as well.  We’re hoping for a great crowd!
