Today has been another day filled with unforseen events. We made great time driving today and Cindy helped me study for my CDL exam. The time passed really fast. We stopped in Bowling Green, KY to grab dinner at the Cracker Barrel. I’m trying to get in the habit of doing my “inspections” for the exam and did a fast walk around the truck and trailer. All was well…we ate and then jumped back in the rig to drive to Glasgow.

About 15 miles down the road, another trucker pulled up next us on the interstate and tried to get us on the CB. Unfortunately, we don’t have a working CB! I was at an exit where I was going to fill up with diesel so I pulled off the road and into the station. As we did a walk around the truck and trailer again, we saw the problem. A tire on the trailer was gone! Not just gone – the tire, hub, lugs, everything was gone! I got on the phone as quickly as possible to see if I could find someone to fix it…but it’s the weekend.

We’ve made arrangements to get it repaired first thing Monday morning in Bowling Green. We drove slowly on to Glasgow to our hotel, flashers flashing on the truck to alert the drivers that we were moving slowly.

So, the show is tomorrow at 2pm at The Plaza Theatre in Glasgow. After the show, we’ll pack it up and drive SLOWLY back to Bowling Green to spend the night in a hotel across the street from the repair center – Trailer World (sounds like they should be able to handle the job).

On top of everything else, once we arrived in Glasgow, the snow storm started to move in. While they aren’t expecting a huge accumulation, I’m not a big fan of snow in any situation! We are praying for safety in that trailer tomorrow and we head to the Theatre and then back to Bowling Green!

I called home to our best friends (Chris and Pam Judd) to check on the conditions there. Being on the east coast, that Noreaster is heading their way…actually, it’s already there. They have about 7″ of snow on the ground and they’re stranded at the top of the hill (where our homes are). It’s February for sure!

We are hoping the weather won’t affect our crowd tomorrow afternoon. This is a newly renovated theatre and this is their first year of presenting. We’d like for them to have a great crowd – come in out of the snow and have some fun!

I’ll keep you posted!