We’ve finished up another busy week in the office working on a variety of projects. I am most excited about the new poster (see image). But we’re also ready to send to print new stage passes for the crew, the new 8 X 10, and the DVD book that will be included with our marketing materials. David’s done a great job of pulling these together.

In the next couple of weeks, we’ll be heading onto the stage to do some videotaping of the new illusions so we can update our promotional DVD. That’s going to be two really grueling days of hard work but the end results will be worth it. And then comes the editing of the projects – two new 30 second and one 60 second television commercials and the new promotional video.

We’re working hard on pulling together the Asia tour for December 2006. With all the events in the Middle East, freight costs could rise significantly. We’re working with Hong Kong and Taipei to make sure that the tour can happen with the least amount of financial disruptions.

On this blog, I write about my life – the events and experiences that I’m having as I go about living and working in a kind of crazy environment that is my reality. Sometimes my postings are boring and mundane. But life can be that way sometimes. All of us engage in daily routines that make up our individual realities. When we’re not on the road, our daily routines can be “routine.”

Often times my postings include glimpses into my personal faith, especially as it relates to the events that are happening in my life. Faith – if it means anything at all – should impact the way we think and live. Our personal beliefs should color every facet of living. Believe me when I say I’m sensitive about what I write on this very public forum. The words of Matthew 6:1 (The Message) are sobering, “Be especially careful when you are trying to be good so that you don’t make a performance out of it. It might be good theater but the God who made you won’t be applauding.”

So, on a personal note, I’d like to thank so many of you who have emailed me who are new to my blog and have written about how something I’ve experienced has had an impact in your life. I’m always touched by the sincerity of your comments and even more that you take the time to drop me a note. I’d like to share an email that I received that challenged me even more about what I write here:

Thanks again for sharing your faith so openly. It helped me here tonight and that means a lot. Your one blog post (Walking On Water – June 15, 2006) helped me. Isn’t that amazing? We never know the full impact of our words and actions – something seemingly small can really cause a big ripple for someone else. I was glad to be in the “wake” of your ripple effect this evening on this impersonal thing we call the web.

Thanks for your support and continuing to check in to see what’s happening “on the road.”