We were back at the theatre around 10am this morning to finish up the last few things before the first show at 2pm. Once completed, we were able to do a fast run through with the tech crew (IATSE 900 – great guys!) and give them some time to break for lunch.

SHOW #1 – doors opened at 1pm into the lobby and 1:30pm into the theatre. It was a slow start but 15 minutes before show time, hundreds of them starting walking in – just in time for the light show!

We are always a bit “fearful” of the afternoon matinee crowd. Generally speaking, they’re just not as enthusiastic and responsive as an evening crowd. I’m sure part of that deals with the psychology of an evening adventure the theatre, but most of it is about the interruption of the day with something out of the ordinary. Regardless, THIS crowd was definitely not a typical afternoon-matinee- crowd! They were awesome. From the moment we stepped on the stage, you could feel the energy and excitement of the room.

In the mix of the crowd was one of my old buddies and best friends from college days in Chattanooga (Scott Gossett) and his family. He’s originally from Huntsville and living here again as pastor of West Huntsville Baptist Church.  Coincidently, he caught one of the randomly thrown papers and was selected as a volunteer. It was a nice surprise for both of us! I did have the chance to visit with Scott and his family after the show in the Green Room for a while…but first, it was to the lobby for autographs and a meet & greet with the audience. I was so excited to hear the comments and meet the fine folks of Huntsville.

Before the second show, Cindy had the idea to order something different for dinner so the theatre staff drove over the to the best Thai food restaurant in town and picked up some of our favorites. It was a nice treat! Then it was time to start getting ready for the second show.

SHOW #2 – After a great afternoon audience, we were keeping our fingers crossed that the evening crowd would be just as excited…and they were! They were rolling in as soon as the doors were opened. In the mix of this audience were some of the sponsors including the specific sponsors from the Honda dealership and the GM from the local ABC affiliate.

For both shows, we worked with the evening news anchor (Erin Dacy) from WAAY-TV as she introduced the sponsors and made an appearance as the local celebrity sponsor of the show. Erin was very gracious and it was a pleasure to meet her. She was there for both shows and, in talking with her during the second intermission, she said she was having as much fun as she did at the first show. She thought, seeing the illusion a second time might give her some insights into the “magic.” But, with a big smile on her face, she told me that she was just as baffled as she was the first time.

I used my new E6 Countryman microphone again for these shows. I’m really loving the freedom of being away from a microphone stand!

We are heading home today after two months out on this leg of the trip. We should arrive on Monday afternoon and then it’s going to be crazy in the office just trying to catch up before we leave again on Friday.