Morning is my favorite time of the day. I really enjoy getting up early before anyone else and quietly watching the day begin with the rising of the sun. It signifies lots of things to me but the most important of those things is that today is a new beginning. Each day I get a fresh start. It doesn’t matter what challenges I faced yesterday, they are in the past. Today is a new opportunity to live life to its fullest and love more deeply the people who are important in my life.

Last night, David and I conducted a Healing of Magic workshop for about 60 therapists and students at Owen College in Toledo. Everyone had a great time and we could see them learning and working on each tricks, determining how it could be used in their practice and with their patients. While I know that the concepts of this program can have a tremendous impact on the rehabilitation of a person, the one thing that I want therapists to grasp from this workshop is this: Each of us has the opportunity to impact the quality of someone’s life in a positive way.

Today is a new day – a new opportunity to make a difference.