Our trip to Walterboro was an adventure. We spent Friday doing a workshop for the Board of Disabilities for a select group of people from the community. We had a great time teaching magic tricks as a part of the therapy program for this organization. And we had some real personalities performing for the group as several of the participants made their way to the “stage” to perform their magic. Cheers and applause brought huge smiles to the faces of those who performed as well as those who watched them! As always, I was touched by the warmth and inhibitions of those we have the privilege of working with in the Healing of Magic program.

The show on Saturday also went well in spite of the fact that we were going against THE game in South Carolina – USC vs Clemson! Not being an avid sport fan myself, I was completely unaware of all of this until we were told that tickets were selling “slowly.” Much to everyone’s surprise we had a great walk up and the crowd was enthusiastic. Great volunteers – lots of personality – a standing ovation. It was a great way to end a rather trying day.

Remember that new universal controller we bought in San Angelo? Well, that new controller has been having some “memory” problems and we’ve been having to rework the lights for every show. TODAY – it BROKE! It would not take control of our intelligent lighting and we were sunk. Now I realize that the fancy lighting toys don’t make the “magic” better but I like the toys! There was a bit of a power problems as well and we blew all the fuses in my lighting fixtures – twice! We had to do this show without any intelligent lighting…and, you know what? The audience didn’t know the difference and didn’t care. The magic effects were pure and the show was well received. Just goes to show that, when it all comes down to the basics, it’s all about entertainment and loving what you do. Everyone from our team did an excellent job…but they always do. And the crew from the Presenter here worked hard to make it happen – TEAM WORK!

We’re going home again for a couple of days before heading out to Columbus, GA. Hopefully, we’ll have our old controller back for those performances and send our new one in to get fixed!