A friend of ours, Greg, emailed us a song called “Welcome to My Life” by a group called SIMPLE PLAN. It’s a great song with very appropriate words that describe the way many of us live our lives. You should check out the group. The CD is called STILL NOT GETTING’ ANY.

Greg, incidently, is the creative mind behind this website and many of our video edits. He’s working on another project for us right now that should be completed by the end of the month. Greg has a lot of great ideas but the one thing that brings me back to him project after project is his integrity and commitment to doing the best job he can within the budget constraints I give him.

The other thing that I admire about Greg is that his faith is reflected in his work. What I mean by that is simple. Most of us don’t find ourselves in jobs that are “spiritual.” Sometimes the work we do seems to be nothing more than a means to an end – how to pay the bills and provide our lifestyle. There are some words in the book of Hebrews (the Bible) that say:

Through Jesus then, let us continually offer a sacrifice of praise to God, that is, the fruit of our lips that give thanks to His name. And do not neglect doing good and sharing with others, for with such sacrifices God is pleased.

Great words but what do they really mean. The first thing that strikes me is “fruit of our lips.” Anytime you have fruit, there has to be some kind of growth or root. So, whatever comes out of my mouth actually comes from something (a root) that has taken hold deep inside me. I think that’s why the Bible often says that what comes out of the mouth is actually coming from the heart.

The beautiful thing about “continual praise” is that our attitude can turn anything – any task, any job, any mundane thing – into an offering to God. Sometimes our sacrifice is our work. The way we do our work can reflect something good about the character of God.

One writer wrapped it up like this:

Everything on earth (except the wrong things we do – sin) can be done as an act of worship to God. Everything we do is worship when we do it for Him, displaying His face as we go. The question is not what you do, but who you do it for. Your calling is to turn your place in life into a place of true worship. To do whatever you do in a way that will reflect God’s heart to those around you. It’s to worship…as you life your life.

That’s very cool! And that’s what I believe Greg does in the work he does for us. And, hopefully, that’s what we do every time we take to the stage and perform.