I’m not trying to be disrespectful or “politically incorrect” or insensitive but, in my opinion, some things are getting a little out of hand in our society. WORDS MEAN THINGS, right? It is the basis of the English language – of any language. We use words to convey thoughts and ideas. And these words have definitions that make these thoughts and ideas absolute.

There are numerous examples out there – political, social, religious – where words are used inappropriately. But one that is getting a great deal of attention right now is the “pregnancy” of Thomas Beatie. I’ve watched video clips from OPRAH, discussions on FOX NEWS, interviews on CNN, etc. and every reporter refers to “Thomas Beatie” as a man. But I don’t get it. “Thomas” has not one single male sexual organ and takes hormones to “be” a man. In order to get pregnant, “he” had to stop taking these hormones. So, is he not a “man” anymore? Is “he” a “man” simply because “he” says “he” is? Or because he has a court document that says “he” is a “man?”

I’m confused because I thought the word “man” was fairly definitive. But I guess I’m wrong. It appears that it is more subjective than I thought, a word open to interpretation based on a variety of factors.

I thought a doctor could look at a newborn and say with certainty that it was male or female based on “what” they saw. I guess that’s not the case anymore. You can have all the female reproductive organs with which you were born BUT decide you want to me a “man,” say that you are, and get a court to agree. Regardless of what your anatomy might say, you can be whatever “sex” you want.

One website writes it this way:

Meet Thomas Beatie. He’s Pregnant. He was born biologically female, had sex reassignment surgery, and is now legally male. When his wife, Nancy, was unable to have children, Thomas, who still has female genitalia, decided he’d carry their baby himself. And thus became the world’s first pregnant man.

Okay, born a female, had her breasts removed but kept all of her other female genitalia? I’m confused. Pregnant “man?” Thomas is a “man” but has no male sexual organs, no male anatomy at all? However, “he” does have all the female sexual organs that “he” was born with as a female. What?
Am I happy for this couple? Sure. But I don’t think it’s a modern-day miracle. I do think it’s great that these two loving individuals are having a child. But it’s not a man and woman having a child. It’s a woman and a woman (who wants to be a man) having a child. There is a big difference!

Words mean things. The proof in this case falls just below the belt. So, if Thomas is a “man,” let’s see the goods. Otherwise we are being both intellectually and scientifically dishonest.