We’ve all been working in the office since we wrapped up the spring tour. Keith is settling back in and Ethan is learning the ins-and-outs of what happens around here. Today, we left the office for the warehouse. It’s the first time we’ve been back there after unloading the trailer the day we got home. And, wouldn’t you know it, it was also the hottest day so far – 93 degrees!

In spite of the temperatures, we got a lot done. I was impressed with how much Ethan remembered about assembling the illusions. And even more impressed with how much he soaked up about their presentation. We worked for a few hours, running through the basics of presenting the illusions on stage. It was a very productive day. We’re going to avoid the heat tomorrow and work in the office…but next week, it’s back to the warehouse. Our next performance is not until July 12 at the Chuck Mathena Performing Arts Center in Princeton, WV. We are part of the grand opening celebration of this new venue – should be fun!