We left out of Lynchburg around 2:35pm for Charlotte, NC. While sitting in the airport, a lady came sat down and asked if I would take her picture. Like us, she was documenting her trip (to Lynchburg?) through photos. She proceeded to tell me all about her recent unexpected heart surgery, her 90 year old mother, and other rambling that just turned into “blah, blah, blah.” We finally boarded the plane and just minutes before taking off, she started to freak out because she left her cell phone in her mother’s car. She called the flight attendant – “Miss, Miss! I left my cell phone in my mother’s car and I must get it. I’ve had heart surgery and my mother is old and I NEED my phone! Can I run and get it?”

The flight attendant spoke with the Captain who told her she could not leave the plane but someone could check on it for her. She insisted on leaving the plane and, ultimately, decided to take the next flight. When the flight attendant told her this was the last flight to Charlotte today, she freaked out again. Frantically, she started asking if anyone had a cell phone so she could at least call to make sure she left it in the car. I offered mine. But then she exclaimed, “Everyone. There’s no need to panic. Please remain calm. I’ve found MY cell phone in my back pocket. Everything is okay now. We can continue the flight.” She sat down and we were on our way.


We arrived safely in Charlotte and grabbed a quick bite to eat at Salarita’s Mexican place. We headed over to our gate because I realized I need to charge the videocamera! I want to make sure it’s all ready to go when we land at London Gatwick.